Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry X'mas to you

Merry X.mas to you and a happy new year.
hope design industry find a way out to link up to business side.
Let's work smart this coming year 2011.
Designers in Singapore.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Updates: KDS


Been busy with projects
July :
Dulux paint retail in Guang Zhou, China.

August :
Apartment @ Kovan Melody, Singapore.

Apartment @ Emerald Garden, Singapore.
Apartment @ Jalan Rumah Tinggi, Singapore.

Apartment @ Pasir Ris, Singapore.

Project on going...
Finding a time to update my portfolio.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Project : One Amber at Amber Garden.

Project: One Amber at Amber Garden.

I have a project of 2 bedroom unit at One Amber.

Start work on 21 June 2010.

It is a very fast project as the Client wish to rent it out by July.
In order to get a better rental rates, my Client had engaged my design service to enhance the property value.
I proposed to do the basic items needed by most of the tenants.
And provide a concept and design style .
Budget set and we had start construction works.

  1. Basic electrical works with false ceiling design.
  2. Whole house painting works.
  3. Shoe cabinet on bay window
  4. T.V. console with feature wall.
  5. Study table on the bay window of bedroom 2.
  6. Granite top on bay window of master bedroom.
  7. Outdoor wood decking above planter box.
We were delay by the developer sub-con by 1 week.
I promise my client to finish in 3 week time.
Up to now, every sub-con is on time and on target.

Hope to get more Client from One Amber.
Please email me to if you need my design services.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prada Transformer Art Architecture Film Fashion 2009.

Prada Transformer Art Architecture Film Fashion 2009.

How are we related? 


The start of design project.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms

Design solution for a small space. Apartment Living - Hong Kong.

Here's a look at the design thinking process and solution.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

IAD = I All Do

Work as design consultant.

you get to Play different roles to reach a final outcome.

Working with so many task on hand. Crazy world of mine. Here's a list.

1st : Salesman

- close deals aka projects that require design consultant.

2nd : Interior designer

- design the interior spaces, provide solutions, material selection, colour theme etc...

3rd : Accountant

- do quotation and keep to budget,

4th : Project Manager

- run project and site.

5th : PR

- handle stupid clients who cannot make up their mind and waste everybody time.

6th : Purchaser

- Buy soft furnishings for final outlook of spaces.

7th : Display artist

- Set the mood and theme of space ready for photo-taking.

8th : Debt collector aka " Ah Long"

- Collect money that Client owe the company after completion of projects.

9th : Net-working

- make phone calls to clients for many reason and objective.

10th : Politician

- Handle office polities.

11th : General workers

- have to do certain works by your own hands. DIY.

12th : Cleaner

- Must make sure that the site is clean to standard. If not, DIY

13th : Draughtsman

- draw layout plans and all the drawings.

14th : IT staff

- know basic IT issues and solutions.

15th : Admin staff

- keep all documents in place and file to order.

The list goes on........................


I all Do.

Monday, April 12, 2010

mAAN*Y Singapore 2010 Competition

mAAN*Y Singapore 2010 Competition is officially launched and it is open for registration!
The architectural ideas competition, which is the first component of the series of events, runs from 8th March 2010 to 31 May 2010 and is open to participants, from any country or territory. To be judged by internationally recognized theoreticians and practitioners from across the world familiar with community-based built projects such as Sou Fujimoto, George Kunihiro and Edward Ng, the competition hopes to create new conversations that will contribute meaningfully to the dialogue about the Asian City and its future.

3 awards of USD$2000 each will be given to the following:
The Collaboration Award
The Implementability Award
The Conceptual Award

Read all about it at